Pengerusi Intel Craig Barrett akan bersara Mei

Pihak pengurusan Intel Corporation telah mengumumkan hasrat pegerusi Intel untuk bersara mulai bulan Mei ini. Barrett telah menyertai Intel pada 1974 dan menjawat pelbagai jawatan termasuk CEO pada 1998 hingga 2005. Beliau juga adalah pengerusi bagi U.N. Global Alliance for Information and Communications Technology and Development.

Berkenaan dengan kerjaya beliau selama 35 tahun di Intel, beliau berkata amat bertuah dapat bekerja bersama Bob Noyce, Gordon Moore and Andy Grove.

“Intel became the world’s largest and most successful semiconductor company in 1992 and has maintained that position ever since,” said Barrett. “I’m extremely proud to have helped achieve that accomplishment and to have the honor of working with tens of thousands of Intel employees who every day put their talents to use to make Intel one of the premier technology companies in the world. I have every confidence that Intel will continue this leadership under the direction of Paul Otellini and his management team.”

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